Friday, August 15, 2008

last day of vacation

Yesterday was Clyde's last day of summer vacation. His County Schools go back to work today. We wanted to make the day fun, so it was to the pool for us. The water was freezing yesterday, so we didn't stay too long.
Clyde had the Wardlings doing cannonball jumps, jack knife jumps, dives, and my favorite the belly flops. He showed them the proper way of executing the belly flop. The slap from his chest and face was really quite loud! We all got a good laugh from his display. Of course he was done swimming after his perfect 10 belly flop!
When we got home from the pool, I began dinner....I know right?! We thought that my homemade pizza would hit the spot. I made the dough and realized that I had made too much, so a few loaves of bread were made as well. When I went to check on Penny, who had fallen asleep on the couch, this is what I found:
So here is the yummy pizza that filled everyone's hung-a-ry tummies. mmm!!
Here's to my sweetheart and being able to spend nearly everyday of his summer vacation with us! I love you!

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