In the Sunday paper @ the beginning of this month, we got a coupon for Smokey Bones. We wanted to use it before it expired, which was good that we took note of the expiration date which was today. Whew- just in the nick of time. Saturday we took the family out to lunch. The Wardlings loved their ribs. When I was pregnant with Penny, Clyde and I took the boys to eat here on one of our lunch dates that we used to have. Josh doesn't like sauces of any kind, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce etc. This day was the exception, because he slurped down this ribs and sauce like it was the best thing he had ever eaten. I do seem to remember that we told him he was eating chicken, but it really didn't matter. Josh told us that, "this is the best food that I have ever eaten!" That is saying alot from our no-sauce man Josh. They all enjoyed their lunch!
We saved our bones and brought them home for our lovely Uno. She gobbled them up with such intensity.
After eating, we went to the grocery store to buy cookies for Clyde's primary class and a few other things. We have decided to go a bit green when it comes to using plastic bags. We would like to think that we are helping out the environment, after contributing 11 years worth of disposable diapers to the landfills. Plus, this is a small gesture I know, but when you use as many plastic bags as we do, I am feeling good about our decision to use the bags.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
no sauce, s'il vous plait
i must win uno
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I must win @ uno. I do not care if my opponents are my own children. Clyde and I have stopped playing the game due to major arguments and I stand strong @ the draw two war rule. Long story. Friday night, Clyde, Peter, and Jamey went to a Superchunk concert @ the Cat's Cradle, which left me and the Wardlings home to play. We had a fun time goofin' off too. We took Uno, the wonder dog, for a walk around the block for some exercise. She is still learning to walk beside us, so it took bunches of arm strength to keep her close to me, while watching after the Wardlings. Then it was home and bath time. Clyde surprised us with dinner, so that saved me from cooking and the Wardlings from eating my food. It isn't as if I am a total bad cook, it is just that Clyde does it a lot better than I do.After bath time, since they were all stinky Wardlings after an afternoon of playing outside, we got out the card game of uno for an evening of fun. As soon as the cards were shuffled, I told them the rules, which comes down to one really. Mama always wins. I distributed the cards evenly and we began to play. Even Penny had her 7 cards. She played by matching colors only. The other Wardlings played by matching colors or numbers. As luck had it..hee hee...I won. I was so excited too. No mercy!
We popped some popcorn and shared a chocolate, before the game ended. What a fun night...well it was for me anyway. :)
Friday, August 29, 2008
I was so impressed with our 2 little Wardlings, plus one today. We had an IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting with our county's pre-k school system. This meeting took over two hours. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be that long. I had packed a snack pack full of goodies for them to have during the meeting. I am glad that I did! They played really well with toys and each other in the office that we met in, whilst the big people discussed Penny's needs. There was a team of 7 working on the IEP. After our meeting, the Wardlings played a bit on these little swings. Their behavior won them an Icee @ Target. This was a good day...long, but good.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
wardlings back home
This is how the 2 Wardlings left @ home reacted to their brother and sisters being away for the 1st day of school. Jacob started the day in the usual way. He wanted to pick a video. I'll give you one guess...that's right Star Wars III. "Anakin, you were my brother!" Jacob arranged his pillows on his chest, like a table and he play fought with his star wars babies until he fell asleep. Penny was out by 11am. Old routines are showing their faces. I like it! She cuddled up in her bed, under the blanket Bubbie made us when I was pregnant with Jacob. I love that blanket!
It rained for the most of the day yesterday and so getting the big Wardlings off the bus was done rapidly. They both hunched their heads, so that they wouldn't get wet. It was just barely sprinkling, unlike the complete down pouring of today, so they looked a bit silly.
We hurried into the house and talked about their day. It was a good day for both of them. I am quite relieved. Erin and Clyde had a good day as well. Erin is learning her routine and class changes well. She is making friends and it is nice to know that the teachers are all looking out for her. That is just another perk of having her @ the same school that Clyde teaches in!
Last night, after dinner and chore time, we watched a film, that kinda got a bad rap. Now, I must say that I haven't read the books that they are based on, so what has been said about them may, in fact be true. We netflixed, "The Golden Compass," and I watched the majority of it before allowing the Wardlings to watch it. It is pretty good. Narnia-ish. The rumors and such about the film have said that the characters kill God in the end. That didn't happen in this film. Demons are in it, but demons aren't what we think they are or used to them being. Demons in this film are the children's souls, taking on a various animal shapes. They are a good thing to have. They are helpers. Just fyi, in case you needed another children's flick to netflix.
After the kids went to bed, I then put in, National Treasure II. (I am working on Christmas gifts and I needed something to listen to/ watch whilst knitting.) We had started the film a few days ago, but I was in my huge allergy attack mode and med's had kicked in. I was trying to keep my eyes open, but they became too heavy. Besides, I couldn't stand to look @ Nicholas Cage's hair piece any longer. It really bothered me. Seriously bothered me! I had watched over 1/2 of it, so it was mainly the last hour that I finished last night. It was ok. All in all, yesterday was a good day.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
teary-eyed twinge
A tradition we have is the first day of school photograph. Our little man, Josh got up this morning without any delays. He got dressed and was ready to go. How handsome! Libby-lou's pretty smile is great.
Jacob doesn't start kindergarten this year. He will begin, Mama's school soon.
And finally Miss Penny.
hi, ho...hi ho, it's off to school they go
We made it safe and sound to the Wardlings' new school. We were actually a bit early. I was expecting to have more people there and we were pleasantly surprised.
In the classroom...
Libby was excited to be @ school today. We took her to class first. She got her stuff out and organized. This is her, 'get outta here, you're embarrassing me" smile, to me, before we left. Josh was way cute in his room. He got to his desk and was ready. When I hugged him good-bye, he wrapped his arm around my head and patted my ear. I briefly talked to his teacher before we left and as I turned around he was already sitting @ his desk working on his morning work. I said 'bye Josh' and he didn't even look up while waving bye to me. He did the same wave to Clyde after Clyde said bye to him as well.
Our local news station was @ our school this morning. That was very exciting for the Wardlings to see.
I think tht we have turned a page in the level of affection we can show our Wardlings while others are in view. At home they are all cuddily, but not in public. I need to remember that, or just take it to the next level...Uncle Buck know threatening to walk them to class in my pj's and bathrobe, while wearing curlers and slippers if they can't give a little peck on the cheek.
penny's blessing
Continuing from our childhood traditions, the night before school, Clyde gives the Wardlings each a blessing. We all got one this year. It is very touching to hear the sweet prayers. Once we were finished with the blessings, it was off to bed. Penny hung around for a minute longer and climbed up behind me and gave me a blessing. It was very sweet. (I apologize for my sickly face. I had a major allergy attack yesterday and I was feeling rotten and boy does the picture show it.)
Monday, August 25, 2008
middle school or bust
Today is the first day of school for Miss Erin. She is so excited to be in Middle school. She has been giddy and bouncy for a few days now. This is so totally opposite of years past. Beginning school has been anxiety ridden, tearful, and more stressful than ever. It's as if beginning school was in the back of her mind all summer and the stress manifested itself in a variety of ways. This year, she will be going to school with Clyde everyday and it has eliminated the stress. I think that she feels comfort in knowing that Clyde is just down the hallway from her.
As I mentioned before she has been giddy. This was her last night before going to bed. She was bouncy and excited and ready to go. It took all of the Wardlings a bit of time to calm down and get some sleep...Clyde and I included. We were worried about her changing classes, remembering 2 locker combinations, when she is supposed to go to her locker and grab her books for another class, when does she go back to her locker to grab her lunch box, does she dress out today for PE??, and the list goes on and on. These questions didn't seem to bother Erin. I take comfort in knowing that she isn't the only new 6th grader and that today and the next few days, the new middle schoolers will be able to have help in finding their way. I wrote down Erin's schedule and drew her a map, giving her directions to her classes. How nerdy am I?? Then this morning came and boy was it early. One- we didn't get in bed @ a decent hour, b- Penny woke up around 1:30 AM crying loudly and ended up sleeping with us, and 3- a 5:45 wake up call, is early! However, Erin got up with a spring in her step, showered, got dressed and ready to go before Clyde did! He is super fast too!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
all in a saturday
Lately Saturdays have been ho hum around here...mainly because of Clyde's work schedule, or lack there of I should say for the summer. However, today was one of the busier Saturdays of our summer. This morning started out with a very special baptism of a friend's son. It was very nice to be in attendance of that. I made me think of Josh's baptism to come next month. Where does the time go? It was a nice way to start the day!
After the baptism we were off to my niece's 1st birthday party. We met my brother and wife, along with my folks, my newlywed brother, another niece & nephew, and few friends, @ their neighborhood pool for some swimming fun. All of the Wardlings had a blast! Josh and Jacob were being thrown around by their uncles and they loved it. Erin, Libby, & Josh all strutted their stuff whilst diving from the diving board. Jacob and Penny weren't allowed off the board with their armies on. It didn't stop them from jumping into the pool from the side.
After the pool we headed back to my brother's house for a cook-out birthday party. the birthday girl! (note her fangs! Her mother said that they should've named her Bella...)
Baby A and Libby
the party crowd
our gift. I am proud to say that I made it all. I think that the shirt and pants turned out really cute. I do have to say that the knitted dress was my favorite. A friend of mine knitted Penny a green one when she was born and it is one of my 'must-keep' favorites.
Then it was off to Costco to go grocery shopping. Back to school stuff and food is way expensive! It was nice having the summer free from packing lunches. I have been picking things up all summer, for the back to school items that were needed. I am so grateful for stores over ordering and hence marking the overages down for us to buy.
Then we came home unloaded the van and cleaned it out. Everything from windows to the floors. We took the seats out and gave the good ole mini van a good 'warshin'. Ahh.. Saturdays...
lineberry lovin'
Last night we met up with our pals the Lineberry's. We met them @ their house & then we were off to their pool for some rockin fun. We had a blast! After the pool party, we went back to their house where Mike set up the wii and Clyde played Mike Tyson's punch out. Suzanne pulled out a board game and played it with the Wardlings. We had so much fun with Suzanne and Mike last night. :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
open house
Last night was the open house for Clyde and Erin's school. It was weird walking through the halls and recognizing a few of the parents from my school days. I haven't seen so many sleeveless shirted, dirty men and bigger than big bang claws, since sporting one myself in 1989. One teacher remembered having me in her drama class and now she is teaching my daughter. I need to say that I was in her drama class...oh...18 years ago. The lines to go through the meet and greet were a bit much. We were successful in mapping out Erin's new daily school routine. It'll be a bit different, but I know that she'll do fine. The boys stayed in Clyde's classroom while I took the girls around to find Erin's classes. I hope that this will be an excellent school year for all the Wardlings!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
wardlings + one
Yesterday was the 1st day back with the little girl that I watch. After lunch, we put our swimsuits on and hit the pool. Penny was impatient and pushed Erin off the board.
The when Josh was impatient and tried to get Penny to move faster, she got so mad. It was really cute.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
let's get physicals, physicals...
A few weeks ago I made appointments for the big girls to have a physical. We saw the Russian doctor in our practice. I like that the appointments were together. It had been years since getting a physical. Erin needed a shot to go to middle school. Well, as it turned out Erin needed 3 boosters, including the one required and another one, for a total of 4. Libby ended up getting 2 boosters and boy was she mad @ me! I didn't know that Libby needed a few of them as well. I'm glad that we got these 2 over with this year and so that means 2 less for Libby, next year. (Well, until flu shot time...tee hee...) I didn't like the white wall behind them so I made them move over where there was more color. However, Libby's face is great in the top photo.
Then the girls had Activity Day girls @ the pool last night. I think that made up for the 6 shots between them. Erin complained of sore arms after the pool. After swimming last night, the activity day girls gave their leader the quilt that the church girls tied as a secret activity. I think that the day went well. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
assistant ashley
Clyde asked me to come to school today and help him decorate his classroom. Mom agreed to watch the Wardlings for me so that I could go. Thanks Mom!! I helped hang posters and make a bunch of Ashley-type things...signs with "Mr. Ward", "know your rights", etc. etc. I had so much fun working with my sweetheart today. It was fun hanging things and helping him decide where posters should go. We got this one poster from D.C. during our Christmas trip, from the Lincoln Memorial gift shop, with Abraham Lincoln on it. Clyde and I hung it, but unfortunately we hung it slightly crooked. It is going to bug Clyde all year. I give him maybe a week, before he takes it down and reattaches it to the wall. I also got to meet one of Erin's new teachers and see where Erin's classes are. Open house for her is this week. I had to stop and photograph this farm on the way to Clyde's school. Obviously I have seen it before, because after all, Clyde is teaching @ my old middle school. It is weird to walk around it's halls again, re-living the 8th grade. Now, my daughter is attending and boy do I feel old.
slurping the juice
When the boys and Clyde went to see the Clone Wars movie, Penny and I were all alone in the house. The big girls were visiting Bubbie and PopPop. Penny had carried around a pattern for a shirt all day long. She would sign to tell me which one she liked best, by colors. When the fellas left, I let her choose the fabric of her choice and we cut out the shirt. (Well, it'll be a dress, because I am making it longer.) As you can see, she chose purple. We also enjoyed watermelon for dinner. It was so perfect. She even picked out a Harry Potter film to watch. What a girl night! The next day, after we had all had some watermelon for lunch, I caught Penny, face down in the watermelon bowl slurping up the remaining juice. This is the sticky face before the scrubbing. See it in her hair?? ew, ew, ew!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
secret project revealed
Clyde's Bam turned 80 this month. The Ward family wanted to make something special for her big day. For Papa's 80th birthday, Clyde's Mom made a quilt and had everyone sign it. I thought that we could make another quilt for Bam's 80th birthday and embroider pictures of all the families on the Ward side. This is what I came up with:
our family: which includes things that we all like to do or play with...Erin art, Josh...Indiana (because a sewing machine wouldn't work out that great.) (duh)...and Libby and her girly girl purses...& of course our Uno. Here is Bam and Papa. I tried to match a Christmas card that they had sent a few years ago.
Here are Clyde's folks @ the beach. Ed loves to sing, so the microphone and Becki in her green collecting seashells.