Wednesday, May 27, 2009

spring concert

Erin had her spring choral concert last night. She and Clyde hung out after school, went to dinner @ the pure loveliness that is the grease @ sir pizza. They even walked @ the tiny mall in A'boro. Clyde said that he didn't miss the mall. They were able to spend some time with each other for the evening. The chorus did several Disney songs from Beauty and the Beast's "Be Our Guest" amongst others. Erin is always so cute singing in the group. Very observant of the Chorister and the crowd.
Clyde also met with Erin's IEP team and signed her IEP in place, which is good until 2013. Erin has had an excellent school year, which is miraculous considering her school years past.


Anonymous said...

It's about time :)Show Erin some love. She did great. Clyde got to see it twice.

Maylee said...

I wish i could have seen it too, i miss you guys!