Sunday, May 17, 2009

fellas nite @ nascar

Our good buddy, Jessup scored some free tickets to last night's Nascar race. He invited Clyde and the boys to go. They talked and talked about how much fun they had and how loud it was. Thanks J for the earplugs for the boys! Josh did mention this girl with her 'big bossoms' and her shirt that was way low. Of all things to must have made a big impression. The wee wardlings had a blast with Dad and w/ Mr. Jessup. (This pic. was taken right beside the fence, so it was loud and late...10:30ish pm. No wonder Jacob looks tired.)


Anonymous said...

I forgot all about the Ta Tas. That was right when we got there. Wow...he is a future playa.

Julee said...

Hey Y'all,
I hear "Nascar" is a religion back there. Looks like the boys had a grand time. Did they come home with any tatoos of cars? Jacob does look very tired! Love, Auntie Jul

ashley said...

mr. a- that was one of the first stories out of josh's mouth yesterday morning. made a big impression.

jul- we didn't believe that it was a type of 'religion' until clyde and the fellas went. for real...religion to some southerners...camping out for DAYS, before the race, bringing infants w/o headphones- to break them in, and a total reverence for the sport. clyde said that they had a prayer before the race. he liked that.

Anonymous said...

Former Redskins coach and team owner Joe Gibbs gave the prayer. Yes, NASCAR is such a family affair. They are trying hard to work on their image as everyone drinks.

maylee said...

I absolutely hate Nascar..especially since living just right down the street from it. Those people are insane...but anyway, that's really hilarious about Josh's experience! He cracks me up. Glad they all had fun though, i guess they do need to see what kind of weirdo's are out there :P!

Anonymous said...

Watch it Maylee!! I'm all about Nascar now, and I won't have you besmurching it's hallowed name. JUNIOR!! JUNIOR!! JUNIOR!!
-Clyde "Hot Rod" Ward

maylee said...

Well "Hot Rod", i too went to a race once and was frightened beyond measure at all the koo-koo's sitting around me yelling and screaming like their life depended on it. I just sat in amazement and vowed right there to never put myself into that position ever again. My friend, too, had free tickets and even if that chance arises again in the future, i will never go..i've seen enough....