Saturday, January 31, 2009

maylee will be so proud!

Friday morning was the Terrific Kids breakfast ceremony @ school. Libby and a friend won from her class. There were lots of children rewarded for being terrific in grades and spirit. The PTA served donuts and oj after all the certificates were handed out.

After the ceremony, we were on our way out when we spotted Libby in the gym, during her P.E. time. I waved at her and the teacher thought I was waving @ her & came to the door and invited us in to watch. She also invited Jacob and Penny to play for a minute. That was way sweet. We didn't stay long but it was fun for all of us. Jacob tried his best @ the hula hoop. Maylee would be so proud. (She is an award winning hula hoop-er!) Penny had fun trying to jump rope. She would just flick the rope at her toes.

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