Friday, September 5, 2008

polish woe's

I have been searching for years for the perfect shade of nail polish. I still haven't found it. I do not like to have polish on my finger nails. I hate it actually. I do not like the way that it feels on my hands and I have never liked the upkeep of it. I wash my hands too many times within a day to wear it. However, I like it on my toes. I buy several shades of polish a year and they just aren't right. I like the red family of colors, but sometimes they just don't work. I cannot find the right red. There are the fire engine reds all the way to snazzy cranberry's and deep plums with every shade in between. In the summer my skin is too tan for the lighter shades of pink, and in the winter, it is to light for the bright reds. See my dilemma? I decided to treat myself to a bottle of polish yesterday. (I was getting the oil changed in the van and had 30-40 minutes to kill.) I walked up and down the aisles to compare and contrast the shades that I kinda liked. Then when I placed the bottle to my skin, it looked terrible. It either made my skin look pasty or green. Gotta love the olive skin tone. I am either green or yellow. Not the nice pink of other's or yellow! When I find that perfect shade, I am going to purchase every bottle that the store stocked for my stash. Why is this so difficult? For crying out loud, it's just nail polish!


maylee said...

Oh Ashley, with your skills and such.......why dont you just make your own?? I know you could do it, everything you touch turns golden!

ashley said...

you are just too kind...really, too kind! :)

Anonymous said...

I will admit that when I read the title I thought, "hmmm, what is Ashley so sad about that has to do with Polish people?".