Thursday, June 26, 2008

random stories

We had to take Penny in to the dr. to run some tests this week and here she is patiently awaiting her appointment. They were about 20 minutes late, so I did the best I could to keep her occupied. Her appointment lasted for 2 hours. She was ready to go when it was all over.
Yesterday was free movie day @ the theater. We went with a few friends from church. I wanted to grab a shot of all the kids and Jacob jumped in the way with his goofiness. We saw "The Water Horse" which was cute. It was worth the drive to the free movies to see.
take 2 with the crew:
Since Penny is turning 3, our county school system will be picking up with her speech therapy. I went this morning to the Preschool EC office and it is located in a mobile home, behind a local High School. This was surprising to me. This isn't the only EC Pre-K office in our county, but I was still surprised to see it in a trailer.

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