After school yesterday, we went over to Michelle A.'s pool. We went over on Monday as well. My Wardlings are fish...pure fish during the summer. Penny has been signing pool, since we left the pool on Monday. She was funny. She didn't want to leave the pool, so she ignored us and walked right up to Michelle and signed pool and pointed, as to say, mom and dad won't let me get into the pool, but Ms. Michelle will! The Wardlings loved the pool.. They played hard for over 2 hours. A few of them have the sore pool toes afterwards, but they weren't bad enough from Monday to not get in the pool on Tuesday. We only had one accident and it was with Jacob. He had stepped on the tinest, smidgen of a pebble, and it had embedded in his heal. Thankfully Dr. Mom was there to pry it out. It only bled for about 30 seconds, but with Jacob's wailing you would've thought that I pulled out a bolder of a rock, or had to use a scalpel to remove it without numbing anything.
Here is our Libby in the pool. I got her spitting out pool water in the picture. gross!
Mermaids Erin and Penny.
Here is Michelle's son Luke. They were alot of fun to play with Monday and Tuesday.
***We have replaced our camera charger!! I love!! We ordered a replacement and it came really fast. When I plugged it up, it didn't work. I was so sad! Clyde contacted the seller and mailed the non-functioning one back and within a few days we had a replacement for the replacement and it WORKS!! So, back to the clearness of the mega pixels!!
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