Thursday, March 19, 2009

every 3 year old does it

How adorable is our little muggle? Who knew that the back of her hair looked like this:

When did I notice it you ask? I didn't notice it until we were @ the park today with some really good friends. It is true, every child @ one time has cut their own hair. Yesterday we visited some other really good friends and Jacob was playing with some plastic scissors. I think this is where she got the idea and I admit that I am to blame, because I have been known to leave my sewing scissors behind my sewing machine. And- there are scissors in our crayon/ marker buckets for homework and doodle-ing. And- I did just give Josh a haircut.

So after blending and re-cutting hair, we ended up with this hair cut:

It is just as it was before, just a smidgeon shorter. I am just so glad that her hair was already short. Otherwise I think I may have cried a I did when Erin was 3 and cut her hair the day after Josh's blessing.


Anonymous said...

The new cut looks good. No one will know unless they read the blog.

ashley said...

i just thought it was funny, because penny being our 5th, i should've learned my lesson about scissors. silly girl.

Anonymous said...

If you would have let me send our children off to boarding school when they were 2 like I wanted to, this would not be problem.

Riah said...

Just be careful with her, she might be like I was and cut her own hair every two or three years. I think I was 13 the last time before I learned my lesson.