Tuesday, March 17, 2009

do not call registry

I have been getting loads of telemarketer phone calls this past week. (Find the perfect college for you, phone calls.) I couldn't figure out why the telemarketer calls have been returning, until I remembered that when I signed up for the "Do not call registry," last year, it was only good for one year. Needless to say, I signed us up again, which should last forever. I just hate to think that it will still take up to 30 days before it is official. Argh! Thank goodness for caller ID!!


Heidi said...

AMEN! caller id is great!

Anonymous said...

It was me trying to be funny...sorry.

ashley said...

har har mr. anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind those callers. At least someone wants to talk to me.

ashley said...

what are you talking about -c.? we all want to talk to you ALL the time!