Thursday, March 27, 2008
1st morning @ the brown house
yard sale and easter pics
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Well, I only have a minute to update. We have been working hard to move all of our stuff these past few days. Today we have primarily worked on emptying out the kids room, 100% and our bedroom. We have moved things like our tv and stand, as well as linens and bedding. We are going to finish up that stuff today and them finish up the kitchen tomorrow. We even took over 2 of the hamsters. One of the hamsters won't be making the move with us. Princess Leia, has done a naughty thing. Penny is partly to blame, but 3 strikes and your out, literally. Leia bit Penny on Monday. Then again yesterday, twice. Usually, she will let anyone hold her and love on her. Since the Wardlings dressers have been moved to the brown house, the hamsters have found shelter, in our upstairs linen closet. Yesterday, Penny climbed outta her crib and opened the linen closet door and reached in to say hello to the hamsters. Leia bit her 2 more times, slicing her little fingers. Erin was afraid to yell down to Clyde, because she didn't want to wake Jacob up. So, she walked her downstairs, and by the time that she got to Clyde Penny's hand looked like it had been dipped in a bucket of blood. And the blood was dripped on the carpet in front of the lines closet, the girls' bed, @ the top of the stairs, and trickled down at least half of the stairs. This morning, we found some blood dripped on one of the walls as well. CSI scene for real. Penny is doing well, but seriously, 3 bites to Penny's fingers and Leia is outta here. I found out about the accident, while Libby and I were painting the trim and a 2nd coating in the kitchen. Penny is a bit protective of her sore fingers and grunts to recap the accident. It hasn't stopped her from reaching into their crates today.
Monday, March 24, 2008
weekend happenings...
Ok- so what a busy weekend. Thursday night, Rochelle and I went to the new house and painted the kitchen. It is way cool to go and paint! I am looking forward to painting the rest of the house. I actually went to Lowes with my sister, Raegen and her husband John to buy the paint, the night before. He works for Lowes so that means discount!! I bought a lawn mower and 4 gallons of paint. Two gallons were for the kitchen and 2 for the living room. I went earlier in the week and bought my little samples of colors and the vendor told me what type of paint to buy. So, when we went to Lowes they had the kitchen and bath paint that I wanted but they didn't have the brand of paint that I wanted in the living room paint. The guy, Jacob, that night told me that Olympic didn't make the type of paint that the first guy told me that I needed. So, I went to another brand paint and the guy color matched it for me, which made me nervous. After I left Lowes, I went to the new house to drop off the lawn mower and the paint. I came home excited to tell Clyde what I got. I told him that they didn't make the paint that I originally wanted yadda, yadda. I had saved the Lowes flyer and so I thumbed through it to see what else was on sale. Then it happened... I saw that Olympic did make the type of paint that the sales guy told me that Olypmic didn't. Ooohhh...I was then mad. Of course the tinted paint is non-returnable. I didn't tell Clyde my discovery, mainly for my pride, because it was hurt. The next morning, I got on-line to get Lowe's info and called as soon as the kids got on the bus. I called Lowes a smidge after 7 am and asked to speak with the manager. I told him what had happened the night before and that I felt like a chump for taking this 'experts' advice, with the non-returnable paint. Brandon, the manager, told me that I could indeed bring it back and get my money back. So, I did. I still need to go back and get the living room color in the right paint that I need to do the job.
Saturday, we had another yard sale here. We wanted to get rid of a bunch of stuff, so why not try to make a few dollars off of it. We did pretty good totaling $175, off of some old stuff. We sold our old table and 4 chairs, a hand-me-down dresser, 2 lamp side tables, knick knacks galore, a gum ball machine, bunk beds, etc., etc., etc. What was left, we hauled away to the other people's crap store...goodwill.
Easter Sunday, after church we went to the Cecil Farm and let the kids go. Mom had made a wonderful meal! She hid eggs for the babies to go find too. She even got each of the Wardlings a new Easter outfit, except for Penny...she made hers. It was/is so pretty. She did some heirloom stitches and embroidery on it. Bubbie even made her a slip to go underneath it! My Mom is so talented!! Thank You, Thank You Mom!! Later in the day, the Wardlings even helped her feed their 4 horses. Dad showed us the new greenhouse that they are building, along wit their garden. They are always making new additions to their place. It is really cool to see. We brought along Tyler, our neighbor, because Wiley, his step dad just had open heart surgery. We thought it was a nice break for them...just a bit of R & R. He is a well behaved kid to have around.
Today has been spent packing and taking things to the new house. Having all the Wardlings around today has been interesting. It hasn't helped that I woke up in the foulest mood today. Have you ever done that?? I was grumpy and miserable all day long. I am hoping that tomorrow will be better. I want to finish painting the rooms that I have started before our big move coming up. This evening didn't go as well either. Penny picked up the mama Hamster, Princess Leia and she bit Penny. Hamsters have razor sharp teeth and she got Penny good. Libby brought her down and blood was covering Libby's neck. It was everywhere. I washed it and applied pressure to it, applied some of the 2nd skin stuff and two band-aids. This is a lovely ending to a simply rotten day.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
at the brown house
We went to the new house yesterday to paint a few walls. We used the samples that we got from Lowe's, just to see if we like them. While we were waiting for the first coat to dry, we had some time to kill. We went to the brown house again today, but this time it was for another reason. We had to be at the house so that our gas could be turned on. We had an appointment time of 10am-12pm. Wouldn't be great to always have a time window? We arrived at the brown house a few minutes before 10. Before our arrival, we ran out to get some cleaning supplies. I figured that if we had to be there for 2 hours, then I should be doing something productive. I swept the floors, mopped the floors, cleaned all 3 bathrooms, tubs toilets, etc... I cleaned out the fridge and freezer, washed all the cabinets, and scrubbed the counter tops. The bathrooms were pretty grubby. It wasn't as if they left it messy, it's just been empty for a year. I am ready to paint the walls and make the house more ours. The older gas man came around 11:30 this morning. He turned everything on...water heater, furnace, main line of course and our fireplace. I am so excited for the fireplace!! We most likely won't be using it alot, due to gas prices, but on those cold rainy nights or cold wintery nights, it'll be sweet!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
d.c. and paint
Monday, March 17, 2008
star wars ship
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This morning, right before the bus came, we were all running around getting things ready. Me, helping each of the children find what they were missing...a backpack, socks, shoes, snack, and remembering to give one of the girls medicine for her head cold. I do not like the unorganized fashion each morning. Each night we tell them to get their clothes ready with all their stuff. We are moving and our house is very unorganized right now, so they need to have their stuff together. I had Josh's grapes in a baggie and went to put them into his snack packet in his back pack. I reached in it to see which snack was still in there from yesterday and that's when it happened. I touched something slimey, wet, and cold. It was a banana that I had given him for snack over a week ago, rotting in his snack pocket. EEEWWW Gross! I told him when I gave it to him to eat it and not let this rotting thing happen again. That's right- this has happened once before this school year. At home, he loves bananas. Why he won't eat them @ school, is beyond me. Is it uncool to eat a banana @ school? This banana thing happened about 3 minutes before the bus came, so he had to run upstairs and find another backpack for the day. Josh is by far my fastest child, but not in the mornings. He moves slower that yertle the turtle. That boy! He is the last one up and the last one finishing his breakfast, the last one brushing his teeth etc... I was not prepared for that gross banana thing this morning. Gross!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
pizza pizza
Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner. Since Clyde would be picking them up on his way home from work, he didn't have time to chef up anything. I am not the greatest of great cooks. SO, I stuck to something we all love, pizza. Plus, I know how to make the dough and the toppings speak for themselves. I started the dough around 2:45 giving them plenty of time to rise. They rose beautifully. Thankfully it was a sunny day, with no moisture in the air, so they had a chance to rise. I had Clyde call me when we was getting into town, so that I could start the first pizza. I wanted the Wardlings to be eating about the time the Elders showed up. They can be a bit, in your face, so if they are busy eating, then they won't be flopping all over the elders. The plan worked. The 1st pizza was coming out of the oven, as Clyde and the fellas pulled into the driveway.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
penny's boo boo
We asked Penny where she got her boo boo and she pointed to Uno. She was probably playing with the puppy and Uno either scratched or nibbled at her ear causing the gash.
harriet tubman
February is Black History month. As an assignment, Libby had to choose a famous Black American and do a project on him or her. Libby chose Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad. We did research on her to find out more about her life and adventures. Instead of just a drawing or printing computer pictures, we decided to make a Harriet Tubman doll. We spent a few hours on Sunday sewing her and her clothes together. Yesterday, Libby was sick, so she stayed home. We used that opportunity to hand sew each strand of yarn in her hair. One strand of yarn, made two pieces of hair. We tied little knots to keep her hair in place. All of the pictures on the internet showed her hair in a bun. Some of them had her wearing a braid around her head. So, we did both. There is a braid that wraps around the top of her head and into her bun. We spent some fun time together,getting her project ready.
Monday, March 10, 2008
saturday's events
Clyde spent his Saturday with basketball and getting our new dining room table. We went on Thursday night to look at tables. I knew what I wanted. I have always wanted this picnic type table with benches on the side. When I was growing up, there was a gal in our ward, who I just loved. Due to a bad heart, she and her husband couldn't have children. He built their house with his brothers...every log. They lived in this rockin log cabin with a spiral staircase. It was sweet. He also built their table and it was this picnic table with benches. I fell in love with it. With the benches, we can fit more bottoms at the table. While looking for a dining set, I found one that I loved. It however, was the most expensive set at the shop. Clyde and I agreed on another one and bought it. It did come with a bench!! I really am excited to put it in our new dining room! So, Saturday, Clyde and the girls took the seats out of the van and got our table. They then went to the new house and put it there. They also had to run to Wal-mart for a few things. Then, they had to be back at the Stake Center for another game that Clyde was in. That game they were creamed. I'm sure they all played hard and hey- there's always next year!!
Josh, Jacob, and Penny had a blast with Maylee and Mark. The weather was sunny but oh-so windy. I'm glad that I made the kids wear hats and scarfs. They walked the kids all over the zoo...both continents. We usually hit one of them, because the kids are just so grumpy tired. Josh and Jacob walked the whole time. Penny happily rode in the stroller. I am so thankful to Maylee and Mark for helping us out on Saturday. They are wonderful!!
friday nite basketball
Friday, March 7, 2008
best loved puppy
This morning, as we were awaiting the arrival of the bus, Penny put Uno in her baby doll stroller. She pushed Uno around for several laps around our living room. Uno didn't seem to mind either. She sat there, enjoying the stroll. I should mention that Uno's paws rarely hit the floor. Once she is out and about, or awake from one of her naps, one of our children have her in their arms. Uno will be the best loved dog around. She will be the one that has ribbons on her ears and polished paw nails, thanks to the girls. She may even be a jedi, wearing a cape the next day. Who knows, but we know that she is already the best loved puppy, by 5 of the coolest children, in the land.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
i'm loosing my cool
Today, I took the kiddies to Wal-Mart to buy some rubbermaid containers, to use for our move. I bought one humongous one for camping and the 5 mid to large sized ones for clothes and such. The idea is that, I load up the bins with the Wardling's clothes, then take a load to the house and while there, unpack them, hang them up and bring home the empty bins to repeat that process. We really would like to have as much stuff out of our home now as soon as possible. Once the kiddies and I got home, I fed them, while I loaded up the van with our stuff. I even bought, gulp, those icky paper plates to use. (That will have to be another post.) I loaded up our dishes and silverware, along with the 15 other boxes of stuff. We drive to the new house and I unload the van, while Jacob and Blaklee ran around the place. Penny fell asleep, and since we have a garage, I left her in the car seat, to continue her snooze. Once I unloaded the stuff and unpacked a few boxes, it was time to go home. I run down the driveway to check the mail. In it were some typical new homeowner stuff, but there was one thing that caught my attention. In it was our homeowners insurance... & it was a bill. Now Clyde and I have already paid, in full, upfront, for our year's worth of insurance before we even closed on the house. So, I am confused as to why we are getting another bill. When we get home, I call the insurance co. up and the guy won't give me any information, because my name isn't on the policy. WHAT!!! I am the one who actually set up the insurance policy and paid for it. Why the heck is my name not on it??!! It is through the same people we have our car insurance through so, one would think that they would all be connected. The guy asks if we could get my husband on the phone so that he can give verbal approval for the insurance co. to talk to me. I was breathing fire at this point. Still am really. Why is that? I understand for security purposes, but if I have all the info needed and set the dang policy up, why do I need to get my husband's approval to ask and receive an answer to a simple question? That poor guy on the other end of the phone probably added a note like this to our account: "Woman is insane, be careful when speaking to her, she might reach through the phone and choke you!"
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
FHE cookies
For FHE last night, we baked a box of cookies and decorated them. The kids had a blast decorating their bears.
hop on pop and rub-a-dub
Monday, March 3, 2008
knitting needle accident
Yesterday, Maylee and Mark came for a visit. We were having our quiet day, so no tv. The children were supposed to be cleaning up their rooms, since they failed to do it the day before. So, I sat down to work on a sweater that I have started for Penny, for Christmas. I want to throw it really. It is a k2, p2 rib, but as I increase it, under the arms, it is hard for me to remember which way to increase and in which order. I know that I am supposed to knit it to increase it, even on the purl stitches, but it just doesn't look as pretty as Shena's. I ended up with some p3's and k3's instead of 2's. So, this morning, while waiting in the dentist's office again, I ended up taking out those stitches and beginning again. Hopefully this time it'll look right. Anyway, back to last night. I have mentioned before that Maylee's friend Mark knits and crochets. So, due to boredom, he in a way asked if he could knit something. I gave him a ball of cotton yarn and some straights for him to start a dishcloth or something. We are chatting and he asks hypothetically if a knitting needle could puncture someone. I said yes, depending upon how hard it was thrusted into their body. I mean come on, it is an aluminum, pointed stick. With the right pressure it could do some serious harm. After a few minutes of knitting, he thought that crocheting the dishcloth would be faster, so he switched to a crochet hook instead. Close to 20 minutes or so roll, by and he has crocheted probably 3-5 inches already. He went to move to get comfy on the recliner and all I heard was a "Yelp!" It turned out that as he moved, he flopped back into the chair and a knitting needle that he had been using moved too and as he moved back, he jousted himself, with the knitting needle in his tailbone. It drew blood! Ouch!! So, I guess he answered his own question...and the answer is yes, it is a fact that a knitting needle can puncture skin. Just FYI!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
talent show
Last night, our girls were in their school's talent show. Erin's whole class was involved. They sang and danced to Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up." There were singers, musicians, flag bearers, and dancers. It was pretty amazing to see. This was taken right before they went on stage.
Here is a soloist and the dancers in the back...see Erin?
Then, when the singer sang, "you raise me up," the dancers raised up a classmate. This boy did a great job for being in front of a big audience.
Then towards the end of the song, all the students got together and sang the chorus. This is Erin belting it out! (The girl in the front looks mad...) After they sang, they ended it with the pledge of allegiance. Again, they did a prem-o job!!
Libby was also in the talent show. She and her friend Tori drew this picture together. Libby even drew her highlights. I think that this is a beautiful drawing of friendship!! I am so proud of my talented girls!! Libby really enjoyed the talent show. Thankfully, Erin's class went first, so we didn't have to stay the whole time. However, Libby had such excitement for each of the acts that we stayed for a few more of them. There was one act, where there were four girls who did a routine to the song, "We are Family." After their cute dance, Libby leaned in and said, "They aren't really family," with such sass. She had some sassy comment after each act. Libby was totally bummed when we wanted to leave. The other children went to some friends' house, from our ward to play, so we really needed to go fetch them. We had a fun night of watching the talents of our girls!