Friday, January 18, 2008

new developments...

Well, this week has been a way interesting one at our house. I called our home loan folks to just check in, since our agent is panicking. Good news, our loan has been funded, so we just need to sign our souls away and once they have received our attorney info, termite report, and a survey, within a few weeks the keys are ours. Yippee!! Now, getting in touch with our agent is the problem. Three phone calls have been made to him and apparently he is MIA. I'll give him a few more hours, before my phone voice becomes angry. That usually gets him hopping.
The same day, Sammy, my brother-in-law, asked if a few of his children could stay with us for the weekend. That's all fine with me. I wanted to get to know the nieces anyway. It's been a long time since we had seen them. Well, to make a long, complicated story short, we have our 2 nieces temporarily permanently, for awhile. It has been an adjustment to say the least. My friend, Cheryl has loaned us her crib, so that Madi had a bed to sleep in. Zoey and Jacob are like peas and carrots, so they have been sleeping on the bottom bunk. Josh hasn't slept better!! Jacob and he share the top bunk, even though they each have their own bed. The girls arrived on Wednesday. They did well the first night, as well, as could be expected. Last night was a bit harder on Zoey. They both now have colds and Madi has refused to eat from the high chair. I am hoping that hunger wins out. We have appreciated all the concerns and the offers of help. We are all fine here. We just hope that the girls adjust well to being with us and that our children can adjust well to have 2 more little girls with them.

1 comment:

dede said...

I'm sorry...temporarily permanently? I will pray for you. That is a house full!

Speaking of house, good luck on getting yours done. It is more stress then I like, and it sounds to me like you already have plenty.