Saturday, January 12, 2008

chicken casserole

Last week, Food Lion had their chicken on a BOGO, so Clyde and I stocked up. Last night, I thawed some of the chicken breasts and wanted to try something besides spaghetti. Clyde was at a school dance, so I didn't have the expert to give cooking tips. Usually I do pretty well. Anyway, I looked up on the net a recipe for cream of chicken rice casserole. It looked yummy, I had the ingredients, and thus I made it. I followed the instructions to a T. I browned the chicken breasts, I mixed the cream of chicken soup with the milk. I added the proper amount of rice. I added 1/2 a chopped onion. I also added some garlic, along with salt and pepper. I mixed the ingredients together and placed it in my lightly greased casserole pan, in a perfect 350* oven. I waited for 45 minutes, then tasted it. It tasted pretty good, but the rice was still a bit crunchy. I placed it back into the oven for another 15 was still a bit wet, but not soupy, so I knew that another 15 minutes would help the rice suck up the remaining moisture. After the timer went off, I joyfully pranced to the oven to take a peek. I tasted it yet again and it still needed a few minutes. I put it back into the oven. Another 15 minutes later, I took it out and tasted it once more. I thought it was yummy. I turned the oven off, got my 3 pretty bowls and the other mix matched bowls filled with portions enough for the children. It was 6:30 by this time so they were hungry. (We are a 5 pm dinner eaters...) The majority of them snarfed it down without tasting the food. Between you and me, I think that they were just hungry. Penny ate it very well. But there is usually one in the group that makes a stink. Jacob looks at the meal, takes a tiny bite and says to me, "Mom, there isn't one good thing about this food." What???!!! I followed the recipe... I added taste to it with the onion, garlic, salt and pepper. If I had celery, I would've added it too. True, I didn't put cheddar on top, but it didn't matter...the dang casserole was yummy!!! Way OUCH Jacob, Way OUCH!! Thankfully, to the Wardlings, there was some left over pizza in the fridge, to which lasted all of 5 minutes with the children. I think that they older 3 children were being nice, but Jacob was simply real. Really, I got a good chuckle out of it and threw that crappy chicken/rice recipe away. Next time, spaghetti it is!

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