Tuesday, January 29, 2008


For Erin's birthday this year, she wanted to have a slumber party. We invited a few of the gals from her Primary class to sleepover. Once Clyde came home from work, I loaded up the party girls and took them to see 'Enchanted.' It was a way cute movie. I can say that it will be apart of our collection. It was the perfect girl, chick-flick, slumber party movie to watch. One of the girls had something going on until nearly 8pm, so once the film was over, we had to kill a few minutes. Once the minutes were dead, we picked up the other pal, and went to Food Lion to get a few snacks for the evening. They had cookies, chips, soda, candy, crackers, and popcorn. I bought the BIG popcorn @ the theater...so that we could get refills and refilled it when we left the theater. We also picked up a teen magazine, to which the girls had a blast drawing mustaches, scars, and missing teeth on those they didn't like. Libby squealed with delight that there was a Hannah Montana poster in the magazine and promptly taped it to her wall. Clyde's poor car got the brunt of having 4 girls in it, with the biggest bucket of popcorn and a drink that was too big for the cup holder. Popcorn spilled all over the passenger side while I was turning. Libby was responsible for holding onto it, but it slipped out of her hands while I was turning into Target. Then once we got back to our house, after Food Lion, the lid came off the big gulp sized drink and slipped out of my hands. The soda was puddled on the driver's side floor board, down my leg and in my shoe. Let the fun begin!!

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