Sunday, May 16, 2010

yard sale!

We got a wild spur up our rears and decided to have a yard sale yesterday. We spent all week getting things together to sell.  I cannot believe that we have collected so much stuff or that we kept so much stuff from our move to the brown house two years ago.  The sale was successful, with folks coming in spurts.  We sold about half that stuff and taking the remaining stuff to the goodwill trailer that sits at our local Food Lion on Saturdays. It was a different sale. Things that I thought would sell and things I thought wouldn't did. I cannot complain though. It felt good to be rid of the extra un-needed things. (looking @ this photo I am in desperate need of a tan. whew those lovely white legs!)


Silas said...

The how much $$$ did you make. We are all about the dollars.

ashley said...

we made enough to pay for the duct cleaning we had done yesterday.

Silas said...

We need that done as well. Thanks for the reminder.