Tuesday, May 18, 2010

baby in my tummy

Auntie Maylee and Uncle Jared came last night for a visit.  We all enjoyed a game of charades.  Penny has been so excited to see Maylee's every growing belly.  So excited in fact, that she told us that she had a baby in her tummy and shoved a beanie baby pig down her shirt. She wore it that way for several hours. (And yes, Penny is wearing a curler in her hair. I asked her mid- day to bring me something for her bangs and that is what she brought me. So, i put it in her hair. It really did do the trick of holding back her bangs.)

1 comment:

Silas said...

Nice belly but that TV looks GOOD! I have not been there since it was installed. It was always on the floor in a box.