Thursday, May 20, 2010

we were george'd

Yesterday @ the preschool/ church where Penny's speech is held, was a fire drill. Penny heard the alarm, got up and left the building running like Forrest Gump. Even after I called for her(pretty darn loud too) she was gone. When we caught up to her, she was in front of the building, standing with both of her arms up in the air, as if she were in a stick up. Her speech teacher and I both talked to her about the importance of staying with her teacher and listening. All I could see, in my head, was the yellow flash of Penny that ran by me and I instantly thought of the Seinfeld episode where George was in the fire. In hind-sight it was hilarious, not right away mind you, but thinking about it now I still get a giggle.


Silas said...

Nice you did your research on that post. Penny is so cute!

Cathy said...

That's hilarious! I'm glad she was alright. I hate that when the kids run off!