Monday, May 10, 2010

not the snake

Friday, I got to go with Jacob's class to the Science Center.  I loved spending the day with one of my little men.  We took a tour of the main building and even got to touch a few animals.  (The gal in brown was holding a chinchila.  Way soft. I could see whay people kill rabbits, minks, foxes etc for jackets.)  I refused to touch the snake.  The lizard and hedgehog were adorable.  I draw the line @ snakes.  Jacob was in heaven.  He didn't let go of my hand for the majority of the day.  At one point another girl grabbed my hand to hold and when we got home, Jacob had a bunch of questions for me like, "Why did you let Gracie hold your hand?  Followed with a snarky, jealous... "You're MY mom!"  Then a boy, who has a physical handicap, tripped and fell along the path we walked to get to some pic-i-nic tables.  Our teacher's aid couldn't pick him up due to an injury, so I scooped him up, and carried him until he was ready to walk...just a few minutes.  I got grilled again..."Did you LIKE carrying Travis? Why did you carry HIM? You are MY mom!"

We had a great day...too fun.  Jacob fell asleep @ the dinner table...again. Good times!

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