Tuesday, November 9, 2010

halloween night

Halloween night began soon after coming home from Church. We had our traditional Ward pigs in a blanket for dinner.

 Then oft to pose for the yearly costume photos. We watched "How to train your Dragon," and two of the Wardlings flipped over the costumes. Well, I should clarify...Jacob flipped. Penny had wanted to be, but couldn't make up her mind, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Piglet, cheerleader, or anything else she laid her eyes on. So the decision was actually made for her... I was determined that I wasn't going to spend very much money on costumes this year. Penny's costume was made from blue yarn that Maylee gave me, horns from left over Max costume last year, gray fleece left from the Edward Jacket, whit terry cloth fabric I had on hand, and brown from a fleece blanket Becki gave us. I had the yellow yarn for her hair already.
 Jacob's outfit was the same as Penny's...all left overs, plus $2 worth of accessories from the dollar store.
 Josh was a cool owl. I crocheted him an owl hat from some wool that my mom had given me, along with some yarn that I already had on hand. His wings and pants were from the same blanket that Jacob's tunic/skirt was made out of.
 Libby the pirate, changed from Ellie Mae Clampett the night before. Clyde purchased some pirate gear from the dollar store to complete her ensemble.
 Erin's costume was partially purchased. We saw this cute Count tee and we had a cape. Awesome.
 The Wardlings all dressed up and ready to go. Fun was had by all.
 This picture was too cute not to include. I loved making Jacob's beard. It was itchy, but it made his costume perfectly authentic for my little man.

1 comment:

Bubbie said...

I am going to post all in one...This is so great! The kids are adorable, ADORABLE in their costumes!!!! The owl hat is the bomb along with the beard!! Ashley, just, WOW!! What a super imagination/creative woman you are!! So very proud of you, now, I am off to your etsy to take a peek :) Love you, Mom