Thursday, December 11, 2008


Have you ever seen the film "Signs?" You know the one where aliens are attacking Mel Gibson, an ex-minister, and his family? The one with Joaquin Pheonix? (by M. Night Schamalyan...-sp) Anyway, if you haven't, then this is such a spoiler... so if you want to see it, then stop reading...

In the end of the movie, this alien is found on their property and everyone has these quirks about them that help to destroy it. The son, who is a Culkin (can't remember his name) has wicked bad asthma and when the alien excretes some type of poisonous gas out of his wrist, it happens that the boy's lungs are closed and thus doesn't breath the fumes in, saving his life. The daughter, who is the little girl from "Little Miss Sunshine" and "No Reservations" has a habit of leaving glasses of water about the house. She has quirks about's too cloudy, it tastes funny, it's green, whatever, won't drink it, but leaves it about the house. Joaquin, who plays Mel's brother, is a baseball player who doesn't play baseball anymore. He had a huge hitting record, but just as big of strike out record. He felt that he had to give each pitch his best effort and swung away @ every single pitch. The mother, Mel's wife, died, when a drunk driver hits her, pinning her to a tree, which has severed her body in 2. This causes him to lose faith and quit the ministry.
Anyway, this alien tries his best to get in the house and though Mel and Joaquin try their darnedest to prevent him from entering, however they fail and the alien gets in. Then these water glasses spill over and burns the alien's skin. What a 'sign' then that the little girl has left water glasses all over the house. Then Joaquin remembers something that Mel's dying wife says, " & so, to swing away." He grabs his baseball bat and beats this alien to a pulp. Alien's leave earth. Mel notices all these 'signs' and returns to the ministry. The end. my point...every day I am dumping out glasses of water left by someone. This morning, I dumped 4 glasses of water into the kitchen sink. One in the living room on a shelf, one by our microwave, and two on my kitchen counter.(One on each side of the sink.) None of which are mine or Clyde's. Is this a sign that aliens are coming to attack? or is it that I have messy people, possibly forgetful people living in my house. Should I be grateful for said quirk of cups with water in them? Will they save our lives? Seriously, is this a sign that aliens are coming??


Anonymous said...

What kind of parents won't let their daughter go to a middle school dance?

maylee said...

um, you already have five little aliens living in your house :p!

ashley said... anonymous the type of parents that care about their daughter's virtue.

b- messy aliens @ that! :)