Thursday, December 27, 2007

Day after Christmas

Since we were in D.C. on Christmas day, we weren't able to go to my folks' house to see my family. We had fun on our trip, but missed seeing my Mom and Dad, brothers, sisters, sister-in-laws, and the 6 nieces and nephews. Last night, we were able to visit them. We had to wait until Jacob and Clyde returned from the Dr.'s office, before we could leave. It turns out that his cough was more than a cough. He too has pneumonia. So, Clyde and Jacob went and had his Zithromax Rx filled and once they came home, then we headed out to the Cecil Farm. Raegen and John were there visiting, but we missed Doc, Tara, and their family; as well as Gray, Kelly, and their children. We had fun playing and visiting with Bubbie, Pop Pop, Ty, Raegen, and John. The childen had a blast playing with their new toys that they received. Dad, Ty, Clyde, and I played a game of scrabble on Dad's new toy. We ate a beautiful meal together and just had fun spending time with one another. We hope that everyone had a great Christmas!!

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