Wednesday, September 15, 2010

new 1st grade teacher

We got a letter on Monday from the Principal @ the young wardling's school, informing us of a new development.  The enrollment for second grade is up, requiring the formation of a 1st/ 2nd grade combination.  Since Jacob's current 1st grade teacher was the most experienced in teaching the 2nd grade, her class was made into the 1/2 combo.  This meant that Jacob was moving to a new 1st grade class with a new teacher. I have to admit that I had my frustrations. Josh gave Jacob's new teacher 2 thumbs up telling Jacob how nice she was. Today was his first day in his new first grade classroom.  Josh was right.  Jacob's new teacher is very nice.  This may be the perfect switch afterall.  (However, she gives more daily homework and that's not on Jacob's thumbs up list.) Let's hope this goes well. :)


Cathy said...

Maybe it will be perfect. Frustrating that they couldn't have figured that out BEFORE the school year started. Hopefully all goes well.

ashley said...

thanks cathy! and i agree with you.