Sunday, January 31, 2010
powdery snow
Saturday, January 30, 2010
a little bit of this, a little bit of that
Friday, January 29, 2010
brake repair
The brakes on the driver's side of our blue van have been making a terrible noise lately. Having just replaced the brakes 7 months ago, this was cause for concern. Penny and I took the van to the mechanics that replaced them 7 months ago today. The good thing was that the brakes were still under warranty and the fixing of the problem was free. I feel alot better knowing that we are safe in the van. Penny is still catching up on sleep from being so sick. Within a few minutes of our 2 hour wait, Penny sat beside me and fell asleep and remained asleep for the entire time we were there. I'm glad that I remembered to grab some knitting this morning. And just for the time tv is kinda bad.
our girl is 13
Our girl is 13! Where did the time go? For her birthday dinner, she chose Chinese food. It is one of her all time favorites. She gets this from Clyde. He could eat Chinese food several times a week too.
Erin is such a pretty girl, inside and out. She is very loving and is an amazing artist. She also loves animals.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I went to see my urologist on Monday. I was the only patient in their office and still had to wait an obnoxious amount of time to be seen. I needed to update my info and when the nurse came into my room, she asked me all the same questions, that I had already answered on my new questionnaire. An article read later, another nurse popped her head into my room and said that the urologist wanted an ultrasound of my kidney. She escorted me into the room, gave me directions and said the Dr. would be right in... another article later, this time on Jon and Kate Plus 8, the Dr. comes in, notes what I'm reading and makes a comment like "you're the mom of five reading about the mom of 8, you must be the pento-mom." har har. I just said, "well I have been waiting and waiting and this was here to kill the time." I hate waiting in Dr.'s offices. I have an appointment to see you. Have enough respect for me to see me @ my appointment time. Good news is that the stone is no longer in my kidney. My kidney looks fine. He could only see the kidney and just part of the ureter. So this means one of 3 things...1- the stone has passed without me catching it, 2- it has dissolved, or d- it's on it's way out. I have to be honest here in saying that I haven't been straining as I should. Those paper strainers only last for so long and it is grody. In the meanwhile, he gave me a dr.'s sample of a drug that is used normally for prostate patients, to make me pee like Seabiscuit. Hopefully the sheer force of pee coming out is the blast out whatever is blocking anything up. This will be interesting.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Penny has the flu. I am figuring that she got the flu from getting the flu shot on Wednesday. For the past few days she has spent every waking moment by. my. side. If I move to do anything, like go to the bathroom (dang you cranberry juice), she'll come in the bathroom to keep me company. She sits so delicately on the side of the tub. She'll even cross her legs and wait for me. How nice. For the past 2 nights, Penny has slept with me, coughing in my face all night long. Last night the only extended amount of sleep was from midnight to 2:30am. That was it. (I must give Children's NyQuil some props for my nap.) She was thirsty, or coughing, or moving, or running a 102* temperature that required ibuprofen or tylenol. She was hot, then cold, then hot and then cold all over again. She wanted the flannel sheets and then she didn't want the sheets. She thought that my pillow was better than her (or Clyde's) three. Then if I moved, she nestled her head into my neck, or threw her legs over my side. 6am couldn't come fast enough to get to move. I wish I would've remembered to count the times I shoved her over into the middle of the bed. Being absolutely exhausted (and a smidge angry and this point what is the difference???) this morning didn't run as smoothly as I would have liked. And to add an injury into the mix, I totally bonked my head on the van as I was getting into it, to take the male Wardlings to school. I now have a nice goose egg on my head that hurts and will most likely turn purple, then green, then yellow. That'll go nicely with the dark purple circles under my eyes and the cold/flu that I am developing.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
faxes were sent & resent
Wednesday night Penny awoke @ 3am- vomiting. Always lovely. She was also running a fever. That following morning, Josh began complaining of his throat hurting. I ended up taking Penny and Josh back to the Dr.s office Friday morning. Josh's rapid test was positive, while Penny's was negative. Penny's remained negative even for the 24 hour test. However, she has been running a fever all day and coughing her head off. Jacob and Libby both have loud atrocious coughs as well. I will be so glad when all this is over.
I still haven't passed my kidney stone and will be seeing my urologist this next week. joy.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
quite a parade
I totally forgot that 3 of the 5 Wardlings had well check-ups this week. Thankfully the dr.s office called to remind me. And as of stone passing here. It took some serious coordination to schedule the appointments @ the same time when I scheduled them. When we checked in, the receptionists told me that for the future only one sibling appointment can be made @ a time. I asked about 2 back to back sibling appointments and they just said that if we didn't show, that was a huge chunk of time that they wouldn't be making money. I mean really the Pediatricians Office is still a business after all. I think there should be exceptions made for big families. (They are making alot of money off of us.) And- if they looked over our records of being patients, they would clearly see that we haven't missed any appointments and I have always rescheduled in time for them to reschedule other patients. Anyway- Libby hadn't been feeling well, complaining of sore throat and this nasty cough. I called and arranged for all 4 of them to be seen.
Joshua is 68 pounds, in the 60th percentile for height and weight.
Jacob is 48 pounds, in the 75th percentile for height and weight.
Penny is 40 pounds, the the 75th for weight and 95th in height.
Both Libby and Jacob tested negative for the rapid strep test. Jacob had a 102* temperature @ the appointment. (Viral junk) He was miserable. Then the nurse said that Josh needed 2 immunizations and Penny needed 3. Then they offered the flu shot and H1N1. I agreed to the immunizations and the regular flu, but not to the H1N1. Penny was all over the room during the check-ups. Of course the Wardlings faces dropped when I told them they were getting shots. I didn't realize that they needed them. We had determined that since our pediatricians office didn't have the flu shot for children older than 2 years in their office, in October, that we wouldn't get it. Jacob was very teary eyed and scared about getting a shot, but since he was sick, he couldn't get it. I thought this would make him happy, but lo- it didn't. By the end of the visit he was teary because he wasn't getting one. I couldn't win. So, tally time...1 flu shot for Erin and Libby, 3 shots for Josh, 4 for Penny, and Jacob escaped unscathed. I did spoil them with a milkshake after their shots.
As we were leaving the dr.'s office, one of the newer dr.'s to our practice, but older male pediatricians, while on his cell phone said, "Wow that's quite a parade!"
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I miss Asheville tremendously. Clyde had planned for weeks for us to go on a trip back to Asheville. When plans got re-arranged, we ended up still going but taking all the Wardlings with us. We left Friday late afternoon, and spent the evening with Maylee and Jared, who live about 45 minutes south of Asheville. We had a great time chatting and loved the pancake breakfast! thanks guys! We reloaded the van and were off to Asheville mid morning on Saturday. We got into town and drove around showing the Wardlings the little resturant in Black Mountain that Clyde helped run, then drove into Swannanoa to JEC (juvenile evaluation center), another place of employment for Clyde. We then showed them the last apartment that we lived in while in Asheville. I wish we could've seen the pool, because we have a great story to tell about the night Libby was born. We drove all over town re-telling tales and re-living some memories. Man do I miss it. We went to the Farmer's market looking for our pal, Jeff, who makes the best soap ever. We tried our best not to eat at any name brand restaurants and had some wonderful food.
Sunday, after our continental breakfast drove around again, checking out AB Tech, other apartments we lived in, touring downtown. The weather was wet rainy, so we couldn't do as much touring as we wanted to do, especially with all the Wardlings.

grammy & papa visit
A coupla few weeks ago, Grammy and Papa came for a visit. They brought us some really cool Christmas presents. Jacob loves his Clone trooper helmet, which gets loads of use. We all loves our clothes. Penny was given some play food to go along with her new pink kitchen. She loves to bake and cook for all of us. Erin and Libby got something pink too, which I admit is glorious for car trips. Thank you, thank you!! We love Grammy & Papa visits. Both Clyde and Ed, aka Papa Edvis, are big Maryland basketball fans. We learned that Maryland and UNCG were playing against each other and bought tickets to see the game, and went while Ed anad Becki were here. Maryland dominated UNCG. I loved watching Clyde watch the game. It was an awesome afternoon.
Friday, January 15, 2010
retro week
This is retro photo week on facebook. Lots of friends have posted pictures of themselves, along with others on FB. I must say these pictures take me back to the good ole days of big hair and rotten fashion, both of which I participated. I don't know that I have the guts to put all my fashion fauxs on here, but I do have the guts to put up a few of Clyde's adorable pictures.
The one below is of Clyde when he lived in Myrtle Beach as a young fella. To keep him out of this pool, his parents told him that there were sharks in it. Needless to say, that he didn't go into the pool. Check out his entire body language...scared. to. death. Clyde's cousin Riah posted this one on FB, to which I had to snag. Here Clyde is with Bam and a few of his cousins; Riah, Billy, and Blue.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
7lbs. 15oz.
are you for real?
I have never been a Leno fan. ever. I soley stick to being a Letterman gal, so when it was announced that Leno was semi-retiring, I was pleased. I was also thrilled for Conan O'Brien to take Leno's spot. He is funnier than Leno. Let's face it I rarely stay up that late, and if I do manage to, and if I want to watch T.V., it had better be worthwile. Leno was out for me, for entertainment. So, for the past seven months, Leno has been on @ 8:30pm, and O'Brien @ 11:35pm. All was well in the brown house. I think Leno is such a baby for wanting his original showtime back. Conan, you have the support of the Wardlings.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Today, when Penny and I were leaving the gym, the gym clerk, said to me, "have a good day, sir." Sir? I looked like a sir?! I even said, "sir?" out loud. Within a few more steps, he sincerely apologized and tried to explain that he was on the phone to a man and was checking a man into the gym...yadda yadda. It got me thinking to whether or not I looked like a man. Na...there's no way I looked like a man. I had my hair in a little pony tail with a cute little headband on...not to mention all the girly workout clothes oh and I have boobs. Ok- whatever...
Today on my way to the bank, I saw this lady infront of me, in her red chevrolet, roll down her car window and hawk a loogey out of it. I was grossed out and yet surprisingly amazed, at how far that thing flew. Then again, maybe she was a he...people can't tell these days. oy!
Friday, January 8, 2010
second breakfast
In the film, Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring, there is a scene where Merry is talking to Pippin, about whether Aragorn knows about second breakfast. Merry is speaking in a worried tone. Hobbits of course love to eat. Since our school-aged Wardlings have been back to school, Penny has been asking for a second breakfast. She'll eat whatever we are eating for breakfast and then within an hour, she'll want more food. She always asks to eat @ chick-fil-a on the way home from speech. It isn't to play either because she is terrified of the chick-fil-a cow. She is hungry. Every once in a while, I'll stop to get her something and she gobbles it up like a piranha. Otherwise, she will eat a complete second breakfast of sorts, when we get home. (Her new favorite food is honey/butter bread.) Now, after her nap, she will eat a hearty lunch. Plus a snack when our male wardlings arrive home from school. She is just a hobbit wanting second breakfasts. Oh to have a fast metabolism.
Friday, January 1, 2010
clyde loves ashley
Oh how that man loves me!! I just assembled my Christmas present. Oh- how the hearts are flowing! Thank you Clyde!! This is perfectly wonderful! I love you!!