Friday, September 9, 2011

our Penny is 6!

On the morning of Penny's 6th birthday, Libby curled her hair.

Penny wanted to ride the bus to school that morning. Josh and Jacob were good sports in giving her this present and riding the bus with her.
 She loves yellow and Belle. Grammy and Papa gave her Belle. Thank you!!

 She wanted a Belle cake. This was my best attempt. Penny loved it!
She has Bieber Fever!
AND, she got these...
Happy birthday our sweet Penny!

My birthday was the day before Penny's. The accident put a wet blanket on my day. I spent the majority of my day in the chiropractor's office and running errands, with my wee pal, M. When Clyde came home from work, he baked me some fabulous brownies and took me out to dinner. He surprised me with a cool musical gift the next day!! I love you Clyde! Thank You!  My mom came today and gave me a beautiful new white Temple dress that she made and treated me to lunch. Love you Mom and Dad! 

1 comment:

Maylee said...

How cute is she!! What size shoe is she wearing now?