Sunday, September 25, 2011

i hate popcorn!

Last night, we began the scraping of the popcorn. I had a stubborn, "I want my life pre-accident back" moment and began to scrape the ceiling. Big mistake. I was a mere 25 minutes into the scrape, when somehow, I managed to slice open my middle finger, on my left hand. I am positive that I should've gotten stitches. However, super hero Clyde to the rescue. He got me some liquid stitch, that burns like a sunava, and glued the gash closed. He even bandaged me up and banished me out of the room. Libby had already begun to help me and stayed on to help finish scraping the ceiling. The other wardling took symapthy on their weepy mother and finished cleaning the downstairs for me. I got loads of hugs and kisses.

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