Wednesday, May 11, 2011

share please

Penny had a 6 month check-up with one of her dr.s today. I do not like this particular doctor and never have really. I think he is a gremlin.  He wanted more bloodwork to be drawn and that's where I lost it on the man. The last 2 times blood has been drawn, the whole result sharing thing has been a battle.  He was smug saying that running two offices has been hard.. yadda yadda...totally not my problem, but I am his  problem when he doesn't share results. I am pretty sure that after today's appointment, we'll be finding a new doctor and I'm sure he knew it too, because he gave me his private line to call to get results in the future. On a side note, Penny was so pretty today and everyday, but today in particular.

1 comment:

Tamra said...

Granted my husband is a physician, but it has only made me more wary. Nobody cares about your health more than you, so I am with you on getting a new doctor!