Wednesday, October 20, 2010

deathly hallows

I first read Harry Potter when I was in labor with Jacob. I was hooked. I had waited, as I tend to do to, to read the series until I had the majority of the books in my hand. I like doing that so I can go from book, to book, to book without all the wait. That year for Christmas, Clyde gave me HP 3, 4 and 5. I had to wait like everybody else for 6 and 7. I really enjoyed the series, as did my family. We can't have a family get together without speaking of Harry Potter. I am thrilled to post the video below, simply because I am so excited to see the film. I am debating on re-reading HP and the Deathly Hallows, just to brush up. I have done this is the past and have been disappointed with the film because of the lack of detail. For example, I am today still very angry that in HP The Order of the Phoenix, that the film makers neglected to add the howler that Aunt Petunia receives from Dumbledore. So maybe I'll wait to reread the book.

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