Friday, June 18, 2010

for mom and dad

Here is our garden thus far.  It has grown leaps and bounds since the last time I wrote about it. I had to put up a few more blue squares for the cucumbers to grow up on.  The tomatoes have nearly doubled in height and we have beautiful tomatoes on the vines. They were smothering our bell peppers, so i recently took out our broccoli to transplant the bell peppers.  Clyde and i bought two more pepper plants to add to the box.
Our squash is ridiculously big.  I am giddy about the garden this year.


Silas said...

That better be all that is growing. No lights in the closet or anything. I how liberal dems can be. This is not Calf.

Bubbie said...

Well I think your garden is lovely! And the squash are just the right size for making beautiful squash for my babies! I am also delighted that the squirrls (shhhh!) have not discovered is so pretty, love you, Bubbie xoxox