Thursday, April 30, 2009

orthodontist time!

Guess who got braces today?!! Here is our Erin before braces this morning, as we were waiting for her to be called back.
And after the 2 hour process.

She chose orange and green rubber bands. (They were out of blue.) She did a bit sore, but is anxious for a beautiful smile! She is disappointed in the long DO NOT EAT list. That will take some getting used to, but well worth it.


Caroline Dougherty said...

congrats Erin i am so excited for you. It will hurt for the next few days you'll live just take alot of advilp.s. i love your colors and hope you will fell better soon
see you friday...Caroline

Anonymous said...

She did not come to see me. Why am I last to know stuff?

ashley said...

she stayed home yesterday. by the time we were finished and would have gotten her to school, she would've had 2 hours of school time left.

maylee said...

I think she is still just a beautiful!!

Riah said...

Tell Erin that I had braces for four years, and it was so worth it. She will always be thankful for a nice smile and won't even remember the things she couldn't eat.......Well, except popcorn, that was a tragedy.

ashley said...

yes it is a tragedy about the popcorn, especially to oh so DE-lish caramel popcorn to i make. total bummer, but well worth the results. hope that you are well riah! kiss the babies for us!