Saturday, December 26, 2009

christmas eve

What a fab-tab-u-lous Christmas Eve! We had friends and family sprinkling us all day with quick visits. We loved seeing the newlyweds, Ricky and Mayra, along with another BIL Rusty. I had the entire evening worked out in my head down to the minute. We started gingerbread men cookies @ 3ish taking until 4 to bake. Eating an early dinner and then around 5, we Wardlings decorated our gingerbread men hearts out. We then allowed the Wardlings to open 1 Christmas pajamas. Then they were off for a quick shower and they were to get into their new pj's. We had an awesome FHE and read from Luke chapter 2. Thank goodness for DVR, because we were able to record The Nativity and we watched it after our FHE. Then for the first time EVER, the Wardlings were begging to go to bed. What a wonderful night!

1 comment:

Silas said...

Merry Christmas!! Sounds like everyone had fun.