Friday, September 18, 2009

rag time gal

Last night was a grouplette for enrichment on ragging our girls hair. (Ragging is the art of curling hair without the foam curlers. If you have seen Little House on the Praire, you've seen Laura Ingalls with rags in her hair. My Mom would curl Raegen and my hair this way when we were little.) Since Libby has the longest hair, I brought her along. I haven't ragged my girls' hair in some time. Libby LOVED to have her hair foam curled and wore it everyday curly to school, in the 1st grade. It was a part of our nightly ritual to curl her hair. I think she has out grown it. I loosely ragged her hair and she was so embarrassed, even though there was only the mom who taught the class, 2 good friends, & one of their daughters present for the class.
She anxiously took out her rags this morning to find her hair to be a bit more curly than she wanted. She gave me the same expression of embarrassment when I wanted to document it. This picture was my favorite, because she is actually turning her head out of the way. There is not time in the mornings to do much with her hair, so she wore it in a french braid, to hide all traces of the curl.

As a part of Clyde's teacherly duties, he kept score at his school's first football game. Thus making it Libby's first Middle school football game. This is old news for Erin. Erin was anxious to show Libby the ropes of cruising @ the game. I think that they all had a fun time, running around, eating Middle school football game hotdogs, drinking sodas, and making hand gestures. Clyde so loves his girls!
Thank You Mrs. KB for sending us this picture of the 3 of them! :)

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