Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the jealousy bug

I do alot of waiting during the week. I wait for Penny, during her multiple speech sessions per week and wait for the boys in the car rider line. While I wait,I knit. I also knitted while waiting for Ty to get out of surgery. I am a good portion complete with this little cotton cardigan. I debated on making it a shrug, but once I saw it on my model, I realized that it needed to be a sweater. Hopefully my project will be completed soon.

This is the new fella in my life. Isn't he adorable?! He is a very pleasant baby to tend. Penny enjoys having a baby around the house, though I must admit, the jealousy bug has bitten more than once.

Earlier this week, I noticed that Jacob had on one short sock and one tall sock, when we were heading out the door to school. I said to him, "Hey- buddy, you have one short sock and one tall sock." Jacob said, "It's ok, I'm only in Kindergarten." Alrighty then... off to school he went, with one short sock and one tall sock.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

That is hilarious about the socks! So funny that he articulated it that way. And you are so talented with knitting and sewing. I'm always so impressed by how much you get done in a day!