Thursday, August 19, 2010

penny sassiness

I didn't blog about our ward pool party.  The pool party is such an awkward activity to attend.  Usually all us Mormons are extremely covered up and to see people in their next to nothingness is odd.  The lifeguard left her spot for a minute and Penny was more than happy to fill her seat.  She sat there 'lifeguarding' for  about 10 minutes.  She would blow her pretend whistle (aka her hand) at everyone who swam by. Silly.
This summer Miss Penny has has a major growth spurt.  The majority of her clothes fit...but not her shoes.  She has grown 2 whole sizes! She inheredited my love of shoes, so telling her that she needed new shoes was a fun filled moment! She was more than willing to pass along the shoes that no longer fit, to get new ones.  Clyde took her to buy a new pair of Sunday shoes and she pranced and posed for the camera.  What a sassy pants she is.

1 comment:

Bubbie said...

Sassy pants, sassy shoes!!! :) :)