Saturday, August 14, 2010

cleaning makes messes

For the past week, Clyde and I have been in cleaning mode...not that our house looks clean by any means.  Cleaning stuff out really makes messes. We have been after our wardlings for some time now to clean their rooms.  It didn't happen until this week.  We have spent alot of time sorting, washing, folding, yelling, & crying to get rooms the way they should look.  It felt so incredibly good to pass along 5 bags of clothing/ shoes today.  I felt the weight of our house lift, which felt wonderful. However, it has already begun...the crapping up again.  Last night as we checked on our sleeping wardlings, I spotted them...the swim cover-up and 2 shirts on the floor in the wardlettes' room.  I nearly drug the sleeping princess, to whom they belong...down from the top bunk no less,  to pick up the items. Then I thought that pulling a sleeping pre-teen out of her bed would be taking it to the next level, when I could just simply pick it up.  I did pick the items up, but I put them on her bed and not away for her. Why is it so hard to put things away right the first time? I remember my Mom saying to me that it takes less time to put things away right the first time.  I have learned that lesson, now teaching it to the wardlings is another lesson that I have yet to acquire...patience.


Bubbie said...

Whew, isn't cleaning up a drag??? I know we feel better when it is all done, but it is exactly as you described...emotions run high all around, then when all is said and done..BINGO!!! The mess(with hardly a thought) begins again!! I know also the relief you feel when you give those five bags away, never to have to be picked up again. You are a great mom..xoxox

ashley said...

thanks mom! love you!