Tuesday, April 13, 2010

no more naked trees!

These are the trees down our street.  I should've taken a picture a week earlier...shoulda coulda, woulda right?  Of course now, they have shed their white popcorn buds and are dressed in green.  I am so glad not to see the naked trees anymore.
Jacob has been running out of the van when we get home, to get his bike and go outside.  When it was 85* one day last week, he shed his shirt and played so hard, wearing himself out, that he fell asleep at the table.  He was too tired to even eat his snack pack.  A few of the other wardlings were chomping at the bit to get it.  I got your back buddy.  He remembered that he didn't eat it 2 days later and was happy to learn that it was still there to be eaten...a rarity in the brown house.

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