Monday, December 5, 2011

jacob in the chair

Recently, we had our 6mo. dental check-ups for the 3 youngest wardlings. 2 of the 3 had to come back. One of the 3 had to have 3 visits worth of dental work done.

This is Penny after her 3rd visit. The day of the cleaning, her spacer was loose and so they took it off and with it, came a filling, so her filling was repaired that day. They decided to leave the spacer off for a few days. Then a couple of days later, a crown was placed over one of her top molars. Today, she had a filling, two baby root canals, 2 crowns, and they placed the spacer back in. She was less than happy about it. A few of the Wardlings, Penny being one of them, have soft, soft teeth. no matter how much we brush or floss, they still get cavities. All I have to say is, thank goodness for dental insurance!!


Julee said...

Hey....just checking in to see if you've posted grad pics of Glorious in full gown? I'll be checking back and on FB too! Congratulations!

ashley said...

pics are up on FB!! :)