Thursday, August 25, 2011

back to school!

It is hard to believe that school is back in session. What is harder to believe is that we have a Wardling old enough for High School! What is the hardest to believe is that our final Wardling began Kindergarten today. We have an 8th grader, a 5th grader, and a 2nd grader in the middle.  All the Wardlings woke up with a spring in their step, ready for the start of the school year. (I was trying to stall with pictures.) I was brave and didn't cry as I walked away, leaving Miss Penny in her class. I think she was ready for me to leave!

I was asked by our PTA President, @ the end of last school year, to be the secretary in PTA this year. After finding out what my responsibilities were, I agreed, but for selfish reasons. I like being in the know. There are 17 new teachers in our school. Last week, I helped to serve breakfast for our teachers, and this morning, I helped with a "coffee and Kleenex" thing for first time parents. Nice.

Here's to a fantastic new year of school!

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