Monday, July 25, 2011

youth conference @ ECU

Clyde and I were able to attend the huge 10 stake Youth conference this past weekend. We weren't originally going to be able to go. But the Bishopric member who was supposed to go, wasn't able to. Sitting in the lobby that Sunday was a great choice. Clyde, being a teacher has summers off and so we didn't have to rearrange our work schedules to attend. My parents graciously watched 3 of our babies, while Libby was in the mountains with Maylee, and Erin came with us to YC.

Overall it was a great experience. Would I make changes if I were in charge, YES! But with over 1300 kids in one place, some of the complications were simply due to size. At one of the dances, Clyde grabbed Erin to dance with her. He asked her if she was having fun, dancing with boys etc...her reply was, "Well, not now!" He did wrestle one dance outta her. We saw Thurl Bailey (who played for the Utah Jazz during the Stockton to Malone era), Greg Simpson, Jericho Road, Elizabeth Craig, Jon Schmidt, Troy Dunn, Jon Heder (via Skype), A member of the general YM's Presidency and our area Seventy. I must admit that seeing Greg Simpson and Jericho Road were not highlights, but Jon Schmidt made up for them.

We loved seeing some pals from our Asheville Central Branch and children of our friends. Clyde even had the opportunity to make ammends with his old scout master, to whom he made miserable in his youth. Erin had a blast and that's what mattered the most.

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