Friday, December 10, 2010

thumbs up

As we were walking into school this morning, the principal for our elementary school shouted out..."Got him moved!" and then gave us a thumbs up.  (This meaning that the bully was removed from the classroom and placed with an EC teacher.) Then this afternoon, after picking up our children, Josh's teacher stopped to chat, thanking me for going to the principal. I told her that I was happy about the outcome but was less than happy about what the principal had told me yesterday in our meeting. To be honest, from our meeting, it didn't appear that anything would be done. Josh's teacher said the same thing about the conversation she had with our principal. She also said that when she (the teacher) was talking to her husband last night about the situation, that we were the parents that would get things done. I really think that knowing our children's rights, actually reading the Parents green rights handbook, while knowing and understanding enough about the I.D.E.A. (individuals w/ disabilities education act) really helped out. I also think that her knowing Clyde is in education and knowing that if we didn't get the answer we wanted to hear, a simple email would be sent, made a difference in our outcome.


clyde said...

That's my ass-kicker! My girl.

Bubbie said...

Bullying will remain a hot topic as long as certian EC kids who are not receiving the help they used to get privatly in separate rooms are now in the general population.Something needs to be done about our state budget...where is the money going and why are they cutting kids needs first?? To get our attention? And this lottery farce! We used to have the money...where is it going? Oh roundabouts across the state!