Monday, July 19, 2010

spare molar

Erin has had an interesting year with her teeth.  Since getting her braces, she has had to have 5 teeth pulled...the fifth one today.  It was a spare molar.  The picture above doesn't give the size of the tooth any justice. That sucker was huge! We originally took her into her normal pediatric dentist and the dentist said that she wouldn't touch it. They referred us over to an oral surgeon to whom we met up with last week.  He spent all of 30 seconds with us saying that he could get it out - no problem.  We made the appointment for today and out the tooth came. She is happily enjoying the Tylenol with a bit of somethin' somethin' in it.
When we arrived home Sunday we came home to a missing Toto again and this squash the size of Libby's head. How could I have missed this squash for so long?? Toto loves our neighbor and found safety at their house.  We are getting a zipline leash contraption today.

1 comment:

Bubbie said...

Holy smokes, I don't care if you don't think the picture does it justice, that tooth looked HUGE! How is Erin doing now??? Still enjoying her pain med's?? And squash are like that...teeny one day and "Oh my goodness" the next! Toto is going to enjoy that zip line unless he is a secret jumper..we once had a neighbor whose dog was a secret jumper that hung himself....not a secret any more...yuck! Bubbie xoxox