Monday, March 29, 2010

no girls allowed!

Clyde took the boys to see, "How to train your Dragon" Saturday afternoon.  Of course it is the typical cartoon, with the mother being dead, but the storyline was good, says Clyde. The boys had a fantastic time...all of them!

We netflixed, "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and man do we love this film. Clyde and I could tell it has the Wes Anderson flavor to it, like his other films...The Royal Tennenbaums, Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling, etc, etc. Our Wardlings were quoting lines and laughing so hard to the quotes all weekend. "What the cuss??!!" Worth a viewing.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

That's actually on its way to our house right now via Netflix. I'm glad it's good!