Monday, March 29, 2010
no girls allowed!
We netflixed, "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and man do we love this film. Clyde and I could tell it has the Wes Anderson flavor to it, like his other films...The Royal Tennenbaums, Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling, etc, etc. Our Wardlings were quoting lines and laughing so hard to the quotes all weekend. "What the cuss??!!" Worth a viewing.
Monday, March 22, 2010
dates with me men
Date #2 was to see Diary of a Wimpy kid, with my 9 year old Josh. He loves, LOVES the books and nearly busted a gut when he saw that there was a movie about Greg. This was an adorable film; totally up Josh's alley and seriously funny in spots. I liked that this film was about friends and respect (and sometimes having older siblings suck).
Once Josh and i were home, Clyde was busily preparing dinner with the elders.
Then date #3. We only had a small amount of time, but we seriously needed to reconnect. Soccer has kicked our groins and we needed some time together. We ended up @ Ed McKay's for some book time and after a lovely dinner. There wasn't a grown-up film that tickled our fancy. I loved the date with my men.
Thanks guys!!
The girls weren't left out entirely...they loved their new copy of New Moon.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
back in the saddle
welp...a new week brings on new ailments in the brown house. jacob came into our room bright and early this morning, as loud as he could, telling us that his throat was sore. dang it!! after getting a drink of water, he snuggled in our bed, on my side, and drifted off to sleep. a mere 10 minutes later the alarm went off. ahhh!!! anyway, josh also complained about his throat hurting. josh was behaving just fine @ the breakfast table and thus was sent to school. jacob stayed home with me. i debated on whether or not to take him into the doctor...again. i said a quick prayer and decided, after a phone call to the dr.'s office first, to take both josh and jacob in to see the dr. josh's strept test was positive, but dr. L wasn't convinced he had strept throat. his throat wasn't red, no swollen glands, no streaks, no tummy ache, no fever etc. dr. L thinks that he is simply a carrier and noted that the last time we were seen, the PA said the same red throat, no swollen glands, no fever etc. however, the test was positive...round of antibiotic. nice. jacob was also tested for strept, to which there was a negative result. he didn't have a red throat, did have marble glands on both sides of his neck, but no fever. but then when dr. L listened to his chest, he listened more intently. he had jacob breath in and out quite a bit. and for the first time in awhile we caught something and the dr. didn't want to wait and see. jacob was wheezing. dr. L thinks that jacob is asthmatic. he said that the pneumonia, croop etc., was brought on by not getting treated for asthma. his immunity was weakened and the wheezing went on to the cause other illnesses. so, thankfully we already had chambers for the inhalers to go into, so jacob got rx's for albuterol, and flovent. (that stuff is wicked expensive...$117 expensive...thank heaven's for insurance!!!) lets hope that this is it and that wee man jacob will be feeling better soon.
while we were waiting for the dr. to come in, i asked the boys if they prefered a male dr. or a female dr., especially during physicals when nards have to be checked. josh thought for a while, and said female, but quickly changed his mind to male. jacob said, "i'll do it with a girl. i like girls better with their cold hands. cold hands feel good on my balls." alrighty then.
how the fairy tales really ended
i got this from my visiting teacher this morning. they are too cute not to share.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
just gotta dance!!
In preparation for girls camp, I googled some line dances. The girls love to shake a leg @ Bishop's night. Those Cotton Eyed Joe line dance videos led to Riverdance...Lord of the Dance videos. (Secretly I would love to jig like this.) I just get giggly when I see this guy, Michael Flatley, strut his stuff. His expressions and mullet take the cake. Jig on!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
mommy's cheese please
i read this morning, on my roadrunner homepage, that a NY chef made cheese from his wife's breastmilk. After reading his blog about it, i did get a smidge queasy. apparently there is an audience for it. decide for yourself...would you eat cheese made from a human stranger's boob??? (click on NY chef above for more details.) you're welcome for being totally grossed out. excuse me whilest i throw up.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
out of the dust
Today brought on some home repairs for the brown house. The last snow storm, with ice, ripped off our gutter. It had been dangling, since we bought the house, but the weight of the ice finished the gutter off. Clyde caught some repair guys on his conference workday a week or more ago and hired some fellas to repair/replace it.
The fellas did an excellent job. I have to add here that renting was awesome. All I had to do was make a phone call and someone else paid for all repairs. Do not misunderstand...I love being a homeowner, until some crazy crap happens, like smelling gas and $92 dollars are spent cleaning the furnace, to find out that our furnace is hunky dorey. Thanks gas man who came out and told me that I needed to have the furnace cleaned, when I called. swell...great! However, I am glad to pay someone to get up on that high ladder to fix this, so I wouldn't have to a- be rushed to the hopistal with a broken neck or 2- rush Clyde to the hospital with a broken neck. I am so happy with our new gutter.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
beehive bash
This one involved a tarp and I have no idea the rest of it. Erin had a blast though.
Clyde meanwhile had the wee wardlings washing cars. He and Penny washed yellow before we left for the Beehive Bash and then had the boys helping him to wash blue. The cars just sparkle. Thanks honey! You are awesome!! Not only did he wash the cars but he got me a gift too! A nice new wheel barrow. I am so looking forward to using it more in the garden this spring/summer. thanks again Clyde!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
opthamology vs. neurology
We had a bite to eat and then we were off to see our Lebonese Neurologist. Our past Neurologist was Asian. (Our pediatrician is Russian. Odd isn't it that the majority of our dr.'s are foreigners?) She was offered and took a job from Harvard University to head up NF research. She took it and bailed Duke. The new dr. was nice. It is just hard to break in a new dr. I tried to talk the Neurologist to having MRI's bi-annually, but alas no. They also want us to return to Opthamology in 6 months. swell. I am just glad that Erin, with her glasses has 20/20 vision and all seems to be unchanged...a bit brighter, but unchanged. Neurology appointment was fine and we were in and out in an hour.
My favorite part of the doctors at Duke day, besides spending the day with Erin and Penny, happened twice. Once when we were waiting after the pre-doctor and before he Neurologist, and there is a drawing of Madeline. I asked Erin is she remembered who the girl was in the art painting, and she said, "of's Madeline and she had her independix removed." Then the 2nd time was when Penny fell asleep in the van on the way home.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
are you nuts?
Not enough snow came to cancel school, like they did this morning @ 6am. What? Cancel school for that? School was canceled for Clyde and the girls, as well as the boys. Did the school people look outside???Apparently not. Now the girls and Clyde no longer have spring break. A two hour delay? sure why not...cancel school, ARE YOU NUTS?
thus endeth the snow rant...for today.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
happy birthday dr. seuss
Now the tricky part...making costumes. Thankfully Walmart was on our side. Since the changing of the seasons is upon us, they had so gracefully marked down their sweat clothing. We were lucky to find a red sweatshirt and pants, along with a black sweatshirt and pants for $1 each. To make the details, (like Jacob's hat and tail, Josh's tail and hat)I bought an additional red shirt and black pants and a 3 pair pack of blue socks for the fox. I had some white terry cloth fabric in my stash for the cat's tummy, gloves, and hat. I think our version turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.
I found these videos of the the books and thought they were fun. Fox in Socks is so hard to read aloud, that this versioin made it easier to watch and listen too, rather than to read to the boys aloud. talk about ultimate tongue twister.