Sunday, June 3, 2012

i'm sad

Our Star Wards blog is all full. I am sad. I am also too cheap to buy anything when I could simply start a new blog. Continue to keep track of us there.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

meemaw vs. archdale

Libby and The SWRMS soccer team had a game vs. an Archdale team. This was the closest, away game for us to attend this soccer season.  We decided to MeeMaw-nap MeeMaw to watch the game with us. After the game, MeeMaw said, "This is a violent game!" Soccer when played right, can be a very physical game. Although our team lost, we still had fun visiting with our MeeMaw.


The stages of the Cecil Men (and in-law) beards:

impressive huh?! :)

Penny meets Dorothy

The shop costumed a production of "The Wizard of Oz," last month. Sis. D doesn't usually costume children, but agreed to take on this project. The show had 90 (blink and close your jaw) munchkins. All the main characters were double casted. (I altered the Dorothy dress in the photo.) I ended up making 20 pairs of shorts and did the majority of the munchkins, along with making hundreds of snowflakes for capes (thank you first born daughters of mine!). Thank goodness my children happened to be the same size as a few of the munchkins, which saved me from making at least a dozen costumes from scratch. We were comped tickets to be able to see the play. Penny sat with the D family and nearly hit the ceiling when the wicked witch made her first appearance. I could see Bro. D laughing pretty hard at her reaction. After intermission, Penny came back to sit with us and she expressed her wants...a t-shirt and to meet Dorothy. She wanted to tell Dorothy that she loved her and that she was her hero. Sweet. (And ignore that stagehand in the photo, wiping his nose. ha!) It was nice to see all our hard work on stage.


The girls swiped Clyde's phone to snap a few surprise shots, while he pumped gas one afternoon. Total goonies!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

and they're off...

After wearing braces for over 3 years, Erin can finally bite into an apple. An apple (and a box of milk duds) was what she wanted for her first 'braces are off' snack. Love those straight, pearly whites, Erin!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

'roses bloom beneath our feet"

It has been incredibly busy here at the brown house. With me working a bit, it has been hard to do everything and the blog was at the bottom of the list. I did take pictures and have attempted in the many posts below to put a dent in the blog updating.

The line, "roses bloom beneath our feet," in the hymn, "Love at home" is one of my favorites. We have a really pretty rose bush outside our house. I have loved watching it bloom and reminded me of the hymn each time I saw it.

 I attempted to highlight my hair. It went orange. People said they liked it, but it was simply wrong and my friends are very nice. So, after living with it for two weeks, I fixed it. I could've gone darker, but at least it is brown and not orange, thank you very much.
 Penny had a follow up Dr.s appointment last week in Winston. The Wardlings wanted to throw a penny in (a copper one and not their sister) for good luck. All is well with her btw.

overprotective maybe?

This has not been my most favorite school year for Josh. His teacher and I do not see eye to eye on many, many, many things. This little beauty just added to the list. Josh tripped and fell on the playground, where the kids are rarely watched. Josh wasn't sent to the nurse or even allowed to go to the bathroom to wash the wound or his hands. He was sent to get ice. I understand that accidents happen. I however, would like to know when an accident happens and please dear teachers, let him wash up. Heard of MRCA? Emails were sent. This photo doesn't give the wound justice. It is gross now all bruised and scabbed up. pure loveliness.

new nephew

My sister is having a baby boy in a few weeks. Her first baby. Two Saturdays ago was her baby shower. I barted with a lovely gal from our ward to make the cake. Aline did such an awesome job on the cake. It was beautiful!

 I gifted her peepee teepees, something that I wish I had had when my boys were little. (Though it would have been for Jacob more that Josh.) How funny huh?! Clyde's Auntie Jul made some for Maylee and I simply swiped her idea. Thanks Jul!!

 John, my BIL, is a huge Steelers fan.

putting on the tool belt

I am on the PTA board for our elementary school. As secretary, I get to do lots of stuff. I volunteered myself for the entertainment portion of our Spring Fling, with another Mom. The other Mom abruptly removed herself from PTA over a tiff between her daughter and the PTA president's daughter. That meant that I was on my own. Thankfully, working at the costume shop, I knew a DJ/ Magician who would help. Then all I had to do was figure out 3 games. (we had 4 or more bounce houses and face painting, food etc.)
I used my new mitre saw and made a corn hole game. (1)

 Then, thanks to the Wolf cub scout book, I found directions for these lovely foot racers. (game 2) Jacob helped, helping him to check off some requirements.
 This time there was blood shed. Not bad. It was just a flesh wound.
 Penny was  a super painter.
Game 3 involved pool noodles and I didn't get a photo. rats. It poured on spring fling day. I painted faces that day. The Wardlings had fun and I need to get the pictures off of Clyde's phone to post. I am just so glad that it is over.

say wha?!!

Working in a costume shop is busy work. It isn't all easy either. Figuring out sizes and making sure that a costume will fit someone that we will never meet proves interesting. However, last month, we got an interesting request for a "super suit." I was the one who answered the phone that day and when the man said what he wanted on it, I was a bit shocked. I handed the phone over to Sis. D and he didn't tell her what he wanted on it. So when he arrived a few days later, I had the pleasure of laughing out loud and saying," I told you!" That's right folks, he wanted it to say Uncasterated Man. At first I thought it was a joke and that maybe he mean uncircumcised man. I was wrong... uncastrated was right. He didn't tell us why he wanted the suit until a few weeks later when he came in for a few alterations. He told me he was "doing it for Jesus." He is standing on a street corner with 2 signs, "Stop sinning" and "Jesus is disappointed."

 The suit gets better, because this is on the rear of his undies...
 Mr. Uncastrated Man.
This was a funny experience and one that few people would believe if I didn't have photographic proof.

Terrific Penny

Penny was selected to be a Terrific Kid for her class for the month of April. Way to go Penny for being Terrifc, though we already knew that you are Terrific. :)

Tenderfoot/ First Class

Josh was worked hard with Bro. Z this year to earn his Tenderfoot and First Class badges in scouts. Way to go Josh!! (Now someone needs to tell his mother to sew on badges. Good grief!)

pinewood derby

It was that time of year again for the Cub Scouts to make a Derby car with Bro. L. Jacob decided that he wanted his car to look like a pencil. Bro. L did a fabulous job cutting it out and Jacob worked hard to paint it. As usual, we took the car to the post office for our official weigh in. Exactly 5 oz. Let me tell you it took way over $1 in quarters to weigh it down.
 Once the cub races were over, others were invited to race their cars. Josh used his from last year and did really well.

 Penny even raced her green punch bug and won several races. Go Bug power!!

Frog and Toad

Kindergarten program was "A Day with Frog and Toad." Penny has been singing this song for a long time. I volunteered myself to make a few of the costumes...the frog, toad, snail, and 2 squirrels. I made them and donated them to the school. Penny is on the upper tier in the middle. I know she is hard to see, but a fun video none the less with Kindergarteners.

Honor roll

Josh earned AB Honor Roll again. We love that he loves education so much!

Monday, April 16, 2012

spring pictures

strawberries in NC

I just love Strawberry time here in the Emerald City. We live close to 3 strawberry farms. The one that is closest to us, wasn't allowing the "you pick" when we went last week during spring break. We simply went to another one that did have the you pick as an option. These berries were so good. It was so cold that day that the farm had begun to cover their berries to protect them for the freezing temperatures that were coming that night. (I love Jacob's face in the above photo...mouth full of berries.)